The Innovation Lab For Your Company Training

Boutique Learning Consultancy with an AI powered Learning Management System

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Hire Us For

Smart Course Design

We design your course architecture for you.

We take a look at your course content and provide course designs that apply the science of learning and the power of AI.

Course Building

We build your courses for you.

We compile your content and build out the courses on your behalf based on our or your course designs.

Best-In-Class LMS

We house your courses on our learning management system.

Our LMS is built for teams, chock full of gamification and AI features, as well as assessment, reporting and tracking features.

About Us

We are a global team that nerds out on how people learn.


Our mission is to add value to our clients by building staff capability through making learning fun and effective.


Our vision is to become the global leader in learner design for companies.

Why Choose Us?

We know what we are doing, we care and we have integrity.

We are so confident in our value add that we want to prove it to you through a free audit of one of your courses. Provide us with a course, we will conduct an audit against our Learner Design Framework and provide recommendations. Not only that, we will provide a sample of a module of one of your courses on our LMS applying our recommended design thinking. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Want a free audit?

Or maybe you just want to chat to see how we can help you.

Let us together build an L&D capability

When connected with us, you aren’t growing your L&D capability alone. We have your back and put in our best to contribute to the growth of your entire team and organization.

Your Trusted Partners

Highly Motivated Team

We love what we do and are excited to be your trusted partners. Want to know more about us?

Want to be kept in the know? We will send you the latest innovations in the L&D space.

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